2009-11-26 14:27:52.000 – Stacey Kawecki, Observer and Meteorologist
I think that says it all!
Warning: The following passage may, in fact, become quite sappy.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday. When we’re small, it means eating a lot of food at the kid’s table, and running under-foot while dads, uncles, and grandpa’s watch football and drink beer and while moms, aunts, and grandma’s putter around in the kitchen. As we entered kindergarten, we made paper turkeys and paper pilgrim hats and learned that it was a celebration of a new beginning. In middle school we were giving thanks to be out of school again in November (teacher’s conventions or parent teacher conferences took up two days as well). In high school we juggled our family obligations and maybe shared a Thanksgiving or two meeting the family members of the boy or girl we loved. In college we packed up our dirty laundry, grateful to escape the pressures and awful dining hall food of school and maybe see some siblings. Somewhere between my second year of college and now, Thanksgiving transformed into valuable time I get to spend with my family.
Most of my family is scattered around the country: Ohio, Vegas, New Jersey, Virginia. It’s a lucky day when my brother, sister, and I are all in the same place at the same time. It’s happened twice in the past five years. The people I see most often are the people with whom I work. As Deb would say, they are my mountain family. Even though my mom, sister and brother in law are in Nevada, my brother, Nonna, and Uncle Larry are in Ohio, my dad, step-mom, and step-sister (and all my cousins!) are in NJ, I still feel like I’m spending Thanksgiving with family. I’d just like to thank Steve’s family, Mary Ellen’s family, Mike’s family, and Rob’s family. I know how much of a sacrifice it is for you to let your loved ones spend holidays on the summit.
Sure, the day is punctuated by weather observations, painting, forecasting, and pesky server issues, but Mary Ellen and I have spent a decent amount of time making festive hand-turkeys. Rob has been diligent in the kitchen (and by golly gee, it smells amazing when we venture downstairs), and even Marty is eager for the turkey! We’ll be inviting Mike P. from State Park to share the holiday with us. I’m sure the evening will end like most Thanksgiving, with belts being loosened and everyone drifting into a delicious turkey-induced doze.
Stacey Kawecki, Observer and Meteorologist
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