2007-07-13 12:39:19.000 – Staff,  Mount Washington Observatory


This year, we are asking a minimum donation of $100 to be a participant in Seek the Peak. That donation gives you admission to the awards dinner (and its tasty turkey dinner) on Saturday evening, but more important it supports the work of the Observatory. For instance, do you check the website for photos, live Mount Washington views, summit conditions, and weather forecasts? Then you have benefited from the work of the Obs – and we’d appreciate your assistance in keeping us going as we have for the past 75 years.

PLUS – as if that weren’t enough!!- Your donation and entry as a Seek the Peak participant gives you a SUPER COOL STP7 goodie bag. We have been overwhelmed with generous gifts from companies that want to support our work – and have allowed us to offer the best STP goodie bag ever. There are items from L. L. Bean, Subaru, Badger Balm, Toegoez, Bondcliff Books, Wilderness Maps, Toms of Maine, Grandy Oats, Solar Cosmetics, American Hiker, Coca Cola, Natrapel, Green Mountain Coffee, Great Guides, Freehill Trading Company, Henkels, and Clifbar. Approximate retail value of each goody bag is $140!! Goody bags will be given to the first 250 registrants – so we’ll hope that you will be one of them!

For more information please visit the official STP7 website.


Staff,  Mount Washington Observatory

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