2007-05-22 15:08:35.000 – Laura Cranton, Summit Volunteer
This is my first time volunteering atop the Summit. My primary duty was to cook dinner for a staff of four. The pantry is a well-stocked adventure, and the staff was appreciative of everything put in front of them. I was fortunate to have been paired with a seasoned volunteer who knew the ropes. The daily schedule allowed for a decent amount of free time, which I spend relaxing and enjoying the mountain.
During the first several days here, the weather was foggy and we had little wind. Then, Sunday night into Monday we had a beautiful snow and ice storm with 50+ mph winds. it was a treat to stand in.
Volunteering at the Summit was an eye-opening experience. While I cannot say that I will take advantage of this opportunity again (as it can be rather confining), I do have a lot of respect for the staff members who remain here, and it was a pleasure spending time with them.
Laura Cranton, Summit Volunteer
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