2007-02-02 08:11:57.000 – Jim Salge,  Observer

Our guests at dawn…

Ground hog day on the summit of Mount Washington is always an important holiday for our resident folklore forecaster, Nin the cat. But this year seemed to take on a more resounding importance, as I’m sure many of you will take issue with the ‘six MORE weeks of winter’ clause. And Nin, seemingly sensing the pressure, just didn’t come through for us this morning. He got up to the door, took one look at the icy landscape beyond his lair, and went back to bed. And we’re in no position to force this old man, so we’re left with a no decision.

It’s a good thing, as there were no shadows on the peak this morning! However, that didn’t keep our Edu-trippers from enjoying what was otherwise the nicest morning we’ve had on the mountain in some time. Temperatures are up well above zero this morning, and the winds have calmed precipitously to almost calm. And a dense and dramatic overcast set the stage for some good keepsake photos of the white Presidential Range against a steel gray sky. And for those that didn’t rise early, well, this trip has just been lucky around sunrise and sunset, as you can see here from last night!

We don’t expect the calm, clear and warm weather to last long, as sharp changes are in the forecast beginning tonight! Falling temperatures, strong winds and blowing snow will likely be the theme of the remarks tomorrow, and through the rest of the shift. We’ll enjoy this while we can!


Jim Salge,  Observer

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