2006-06-04 10:57:50.000 – Walter Sessions,  Summit Intern

Before the Rain

Occasionally you’ll hear “fair-weather” used as a negative description. People can be fair-weather friends or fans, being supportive only when things are going well. Luckily, I can’t be described as either because my only friend up here is a fox I’ve renamed The Bee-Gees and the only thing I know about sports is that they interrupt the Simpsons.

What I can be called is a fair-weather hiker. This weekend was WET, and I stayed indoors. Rain started on Friday and didn’t let up at all throughout Saturday. When the first completely soaked people arrived at the summit, I asked how the hike was only to have them respond, “We drove.”

As the day went on, hikers did trickle in shivering and wet. Many of them were disappointed to find the Cog and Auto Road closed early due to weather. All of this is a reminder to check conditions at the summit before you start the journey and check with the Auto Road and Cog Railway if you may be relying upon them. Weather conditions change quite rapidly up the mountain.

As Jim predicted, temperatures failed to drop below freezing last night but came close at 34 degrees. With any luck, the sky should begin clearing today and the winds will shift to a direction that doesn’t slam the door near my bedroom, bringing out my fear of ghosts. There, I admit it.

Also, my dear fox who I just now renamed Lolzorz, didn’t seem the slightest bit afraid of me. He acted like a Central Park squirrel, so I’d like to remind everyone to NOT FEED THE ANIMALS. A fox might not seem as threatening as say, an alligator, but they are still unpredictable animals that may look to our summit cats for food after you’ve gone.

As the old saying goes, “Give a fox a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a fox to fish, and you’ve got a carnival act.” You know, if he had a pole.


Walter Sessions,  Summit Intern

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds By Maya Hartley Arriving at the summit of Mount Washington for the first time ever just a couple of months ago was a moment I will never

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