2011-03-25 20:20:40.000 – Mike Carmon,  Staff Meteorologist

It has been decidedly hushed since our shift has returned to the summit on Wednesday.

One reason is the lack of overnight trips to this point. This has been the quietest week in that respect since trip season began in December. No major change in this situation is expected, as there is a scant one EduTrip scheduled this shift, which is due to arrive on the summit tomorrow. With summer fast approaching, this trend will only continue, as we prepare to switch gears with the opening of the Cog, Auto Road, and Sherman Adams building (which usually occurs during the month of May, weather dependent).

Furthermore, the more subdued tone on the summit has been enforced by the lack of our fellow observer, Stacey Kawecki, who is away on vacation this week. Stacey’s bubbly personality and loquacious disposition always brings an extra dose of vim and vigor to summit life, along with some questionable choices in music. In addition, the absence of the continual supply of blameless and shameless giggling has been quite glaring, and undeniably alters the overall tone of the work week.

Lastly, the behavior of the weather has been particularly monotone, with a steady supply of light winds, fog, and light snow gracing the summits for about a day and a half now. However, as we all perpetually harp on, the weather is the one factor that summit dwellers can always count on to change on a dime. And this is exactly what we are anticipating tomorrow! Northwest winds will pick up to hurricane force by tomorrow afternoon, which will take the foot of snow that has fallen over the past day and banish it into the ravines and the Auto Road below. Drifting around the summit has been nothing short of astounding, with waist and chest deep snow drifts cropping up ubiquitously.

So with a lack of activity within our walls, we can always gaze towards the environment outside to provide us with a dose of thrill.


Mike Carmon,  Staff Meteorologist

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