Observatory Christmas List…

2008-12-10 05:30:03.000 – Ryan Knapp,  Staff Meteorologist

Snail mail letter.

Dear Santa-

This year, I am starting early that way I can mail you the summits Christmas list since last year I forgot until it was too late. You really need to make your email a bit more memorable as I keep forgetting and losing the email you provided us a few years back in return to providing you with a Christmas night forecast for New Hampshire. But, just in case our letter goes to the South Pole instead of the North Pole, I will post a comment with the list especially since I know you check our comments year round to ensure if we have been naughty or nice. Hopefully you read yesterdays comment about the “rime-lapse” video I made. If not, you can read about it and see it here, then scroll down.

We have, in my opinion, all been good boys and girls once again this year. Since you were here last year, we have got a new cat named Marty. He is all black so you might want to bring a glow stick or something with you so you don’t step on him by accident as some people do at night. But new people usually spook him and he goes into hiding, so you should be OK. We have acted kindly to all our guests, friends and families. And we have been working hard and diligently just as last year, 24-7-365.

So, if it is not too much trouble, could you please bring the following items this Christmas:

1. DVD’s or VHS’s – I know we asked last year, but since we do not get TV up here, movies is how we have to get our moving picture quota. We prefer DVD’s, but again, we are not that picky.

2. Board Games – To keep us entertained as a group from time to time.

3. Video Games – Our library of PS2 games is pretty limited.

4. A new video game system – We prefer a PS3 since our Guitar Hero equipment is backwards compatible with it but if you think a Xbox 360 or Wii is more fitting, I am sure none of us would complain that much.

5. Sporting Equipment – Our sports drawer is pretty well stocked but can you ever have enough? Especially ping pong ball since we seem to lose these more than anything.

6. Nerf sporting equipment – This will allow us to take our sports indoors with a lower fear of breaking something important.

7. Office Supplies – We work like an office, so anything you can send that will cut costs for us is great: pens, post-its, mechanical pencils, etc.

8. LL Bean clothing to keep us warm and toasty. Just remember to keep it synthetic or wool as cotton kills, but I am sure you know what we need living so far north.

9. An electric ice cream maker – We are getting closer to this as we have gotten an ice cream ball from LL Bean and a ice cream mixing bowl but an actual electric maker would be awesome.

10. An atomic clock – So we can keep even more accurate time on when to do observations up here.

11. Sleds– preferably the long toboggan type.

12. Candy and gum – Can you ever really have enough? Stacey chews Stride and I chew Winterfresh, not sure on everyone else though.

13. Books – Preferably popular ones and not romance novels.

14. Batteries – Preferably AAA because our guitars for Rockband use them.

15. Gift cards – We go shopping weekly at Hannafords or Shaws but Lowes, Hope Depot, Walmart or anywhere else in North Conway is fine. You know what’s here.

16. Surprise us again! Sometimes the coolest gifts are the ones you didn’t think you needed.

Some notes Santa: Second hand items from the elfs are fine so long as they are in good, usable condition, plus it will help the environment. We are not picky. But if you are wondering what we already have, disguise yourself and ask someone. If you would rather send us a donation instead of a gift this year, I am sure we wouldn’t mind. Just let us know it was you. Also, don’t laugh at my hand writing on my mailed letter to you. That is not how I really write, it was just my hand was shacking after being out in 100 mph winds last night. Too much adrenaline will do that to you.

We are preparing the observatory for your visit on the 25th. We are hanging our decorations. We are cleaning the downstairs of all clutter so you don’t stumble at night. We are WD-40ing our stairs so you can sneak down them without making a noise. We are making some great cookies since you (or someone/something) devoured them last year. And we will leave you a cup of egg nog once again.

Hopefully you renewed the membership your wife got you last year because it expires at the end of this month. And don’t forget to get your elf’s and your friends the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Mother Nature gift memberships for the holiday. It’s quick, easy, and makes a great stocking stuffer. But, I am sure you already knew that being the master of gift giving you are.

Well, I look forward to seeing what you bring on us on Christmas morning. As of now, the long term models are showing a nice night on Christmas Eve, but you know how that goes. But, your sled can handle anything so no worries. Just don’t spook the night observer or cat when you arrive. Have safe travel and Happy Holidays.



Ryan Knapp,  Staff Meteorologist

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