Pizza Delivery

2011-02-22 22:18:04.000 – Rebecca Scholand,  Summit Intern

Brad Sterl, CEO of Rustic Crust delivering pizza

Pizza delivery on the summit is not something that happens often… only once before… until today. Our newest sponsor, Rustic Crust, ventured to the summit this morning to deliver American Flatbreadand Rustic Crusts and show us how to make a delicious pizza. Not only did they tell us about their product but they made a few sample pizzas to show us the technique. Then Executive Director Scott Henley tried his hand as a cheese, onion, pepper, and bacon pizza while Mike and I made a cheese, onion, mushroom, and pepperoni pizza. They were all mouthwateringly delicious. Being a pizza loving New Yorker it was hard for me to admit that Rustic Crust pizza might have been a bit better. I must be turning into a New Englander… first the Red Sox and now American Flatbread, I wonder what will be next? Candle pin bowling? New England clam chowder? Regardless it was a delight having pizza delivered to the summit. I can only hope it will happen again… soon!


Rebecca Scholand,  Summit Intern

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