Quality outdoor time with Marty

2012-03-12 17:24:26.000 – Mike Carmon,  Weather Observer/Meteorologist

Marty enjoying the outdoors

In light of the mild weather as of late, Marty decided it was time to take his first jaunt outside for the season.

It took a little convincing, but after getting him out the door to the observation deck, he promptly ran off into the sun, and began re-familiarizing himself with his outdoor mountaintop dominion.

After jumping across the I-beams we have situated outside on the deck, he took a few moments to enjoy the warm westerly breeze that was present today.

However, after a mere ten minutes, Marty had clearly tuckered himself out, and promptly headed for the door, asking to be let back in to the shelter of the Observatory. Marty decided he’d stick to indoor sun bathing for a while.

Speaking of the mild weather, temperatures are currently in the mid 30s, and are expected to remain above freezing for the better part of the next 36 hours. Glancing a week into the future, the trend looks to remain warm for the majority of the time, so Marty may have a few more opportunities for outdoor activities.


Mike Carmon,  Weather Observer/Meteorologist

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