Scramble for Shift Change
2014-03-11 16:51:02.000 – Mike Carmon, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
With the impending storm on the horizon tomorrow, the traditional shift change day for summit staff, we’ve scrambled a bit to accommodate.
Despite the heartiness of the staff and our wintertime transportation (Meow, Snow Kitty!), the weather can still preclude shift change from occurring. In order to guard against the possibility of our shift being stuck an extra day (or maybe even two), we’ve decided on a bright solution. In fact, a bright-and-early solution! Our counterparts on the other shift will meet at the base of the mountain for a 6:30 AM departure tomorrow morning.
Hopefully, with a quick trip up and down in the Snow Cat, the other shift can settle in, and our shift can get to the base, before the height of the storm later tomorrow morning through the remainder of the day and night.
We’re still expecting quite a bit of snow up here tomorrow with this system, with 18-24 inches looking likely, with locally higher amounts, possibly approaching as much as 30 inches!
Mike Carmon, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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