Seak The Peak
2012-06-15 11:40:00.000 – Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
Seek The Peak is right around the corner and with limited time to sign up and fundraise here is some motivation.
1. Seek The Peak is our largest annual fundraiser that helps us operate our unique weather station on the summit of Mount Washington. Being a nonprofit organization this is very important to us. We are not funded by NOAA like some may think.2. It is a great way to get out and get fit. What better way to get a kick start on a healthy life then getting fit for a good cause. You can even join as a team with friends and family.
3. Tons of freebies! When you meet certain fundraising goals there is some awesome ‘schwag’ to be had. Just naming a few, EMS Techwich tee, EMS Esker Day pack, STP Nalgene, Petzel Tikka 2 headlamp, STP Cloudburst Rain Jacket, and much more.
4. In addition to just receiving fundraising incentives, you will also be entered to win even more gear like gift certificates, trips, vehicle leases, gear, gadgets and more.
5. Admission to a huge after party featuring an outdoor expo, live music, prizes, an all-you-can-eat feast, and the opportunity to meet several awesome people. It is such a great event that every year, the summit crew makes their way down for an hour or two to mingle and of course, eat – we love doing that. With Seek The Peak only a few weeks away it is time to kick it into high gear.
If you are not signed up yet, head over to and register. It’s free and easy to do. Then once you have an account set up, it’s time to start fundraising. Don’t let this frighten you. If you can get, 200 friends to donate just $1, you will meet your goal in no time. Once you meet your goal, it all comes down to the events. Friday, July 20th, you will register at the kick -off party we hold at the Weather Discovery Center in North Conway Village. Then, on the 21st of July, you hit the trails. Upon making it to the summit, you get a free tour of our facilities then head over to the after party at the base of the Mt Washington Auto Road. This is where you get to eat tons of food, as well as where you will win your additional prizes.
Hope to see you all on the summit!
Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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