Seek The Peak
2010-06-08 14:23:23.000 – Steve Welsh, IT Observer
This morning was like a flash back to winter. Just before seven I crawled out the tower door into sub-freezing temperatures to remove ice from the tower. It was quite a shock seeing thick freezing fog swirling around and glaze ice forming on everything it touched. The wind was blowing out of the northwest at 50 mph and the wind chill was down to 10 degrees – I was wondering if I had somehow slept for six months and woken up in December instead of June. Just to cap things off we have since had hail and snow showers – I wonder what is next? This has been quite a weather week – warm sunny days, fog, rain, snow, hail and a even a tornado was reported a few miles away in Gorham this past Saturday. The weather is never boring up here!
On a different note I’m hoping to get some hiking in this next week off shift. My son, Michael, and I are preparing for Seek The Peak, which is taking place on July 24th – this huge fundraiser for the Observatory will be celebrating its tenth year and should be a great day out. In preparation Mike and I have recently hiked Mt Osceloa and Mt Tecumseh and we’re hoping to get a few more peaks in before the big day. This will be the first time either of us has done this event – in past years I’ve been on the summit working – and we’re both really looking forward to participating this year. If anyone reading this is interested in sponsoring a hiker then please check out the Support A Hiker page.
Steve Welsh, IT Observer
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