Smoke Returns
2010-06-18 04:32:08.000 – Mike Carmon, Staff Meteorologist
Fiery Sunrise
As I pondered all evening regarding how on earth to fill this space with words, I found myself coming up with nothing. Sure, I’ve had writer’s blocks before, but I’ve managed to work through them. However, I was drawing a complete and utter blank on what to talk to you about today. I was hoping that somehow, someway, from somewhere, inspiration would come. My wish has come true.
We had been in the fog for about 29 hours straight, from approx. 5 p.m. EST Wednesday until 10 p.m. last night. Clearing was anticipated, so I was waiting for the opportunity to finally see a few stars above and city lights below. When I glanced out the window before heading outdoors to perform the 9:45 observation, I noticed the fog had cleared!
When I stepped outside, it was apparent that visibility was still noticeably reduced-to about 10 miles or so. ‘Haze’ I uttered out loud, as that is the usual culprit during the summertime. However, as I lingered outdoors during the observation, I noticed an unusual odor permeating the nighttime mountaintop air. ‘What’s burning?’ I thought, as the stench gave me the distinct impression that something was on fire. I began to worry a bit until a minor epiphany allowed me to put two and two together.
The smoke from Quebec had returned! The culprit that resulted in some impressive sights a few weeks ago was transported back to the region by north winds last night. All through the night, the odor dominated the otherwise docile conditions. Although it is quite intriguing to think smoke from Quebec forest fires can so easily make it down this far south, the intrigue quickly wore off with each observation and the accompanying whiffs.
The smoke did produce some neat effects during this morning’s sunrise, which is pictured above.
Mike Carmon, Staff Meteorologist
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