Snow In July?

2014-07-27 19:52:18.000 – Michael Kyle,  Weather Observer

With the unofficial holiday of Christmas in July passing just two days back, it made me wonder if there has ever been a white Christmas in July here on the summit. It is not something totally unreasonable to think since we have recorded snow in every month of the year here at the Mount Washington Observatory. So I took a look at our archive weather observations and found some 42 days were snow has been recorded in the month of July. Unfortunately none of those 42 days were a July 25th. However, there were a few close calls. Snowfall has been reported twice on July 23rd and once on July 26th, with one of the two July 23rd reports being from as recently as 2012. While we still haven’t seen a white Christmas in July here on the summit, there is still hope that one is still possible!

Observer Footnote: The Mount Washington Observatory will be hosting the seventhannual Science in the Mountains lecture series this summer! This free, informative lecture series is open to the public. The next presentation, Forecasting Wind Gusts at Mount Washington, will be Wednesday, Aug 30! We hope to see you there!


Michael Kyle,  Weather Observer

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