Summer arrives at the summit

2006-06-22 07:23:00.000 – Jim Salge,  Observer

Solstace Sunset…

Summer has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere! For the solstice on the summit, we couldn’t have had a better day. After a cool start (34 degrees), temps quickly rebounded into the 50s, and winds dropped off to near calm.

For the summit crew, the first day of summer brings a point of amazement at sunset. On the day that the sun reaches its northern-most point on the horizon, it sets just south of Jay Peak in Vermont, near the Canadian boarder. Simple reflection reminds us that six months ago, the sun set behind Killington from our vantage, a full 66 degrees on the compass further south. The sun’s journey northward through the winter and spring was a constant reminder that warm, nice pleasant days like today were on the way. Conversely though, from this point on, the sun slipping southward will constantly remind us of the workload that must be completed before winter sets in!

While that remains in the back of our mind, we’re focusing on the great events that the observatory has planned for the summer season. Yesterday, the entire staff of the organization was on the summit for a meeting to help plan these events! Of course Seek the Peak stands out as the big, fun event of the summer, but many other programs are planned as well.

Today for example, you can catch a free primer on lightning and lightning safety at the Weather Discovery Center at 4PM. And as a reminder, the summit crew hosts live, interactive talks from the summit twice daily at the WDC as well, which are free all summer long thanks to a sponsorship from the Auto Road. We hope you stop by and say hello!


Jim Salge,  Observer

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