‘Summer’ is Here
2013-04-27 16:43:05.000 – Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
‘Summer’ has arrived on the summit. Not in the meteorological or astronomical sense, but in how our summit is managed. For the first time this ‘summer’ season, the Mount Washington Cog Railway ran two passenger trains to the summit today. Walking out onto the observation deck I was greeted with hikers and tourists; something that hasn’t happened since November. With this changing of the season, a few other things changed today. For one, Marty is now wearing his ID tags around his neck to let people know his name and that he lives up here with us. Second, the ropes around our deck instruments have been put back up. With sensitive instrumentation recording the weather, it is important to keep the foot traffic down around them; so the ropes mark off the areas people are not allowed. In the coming days, I’m sure more and more people will venture to the summit. However, a word of advise: remember your jacket, hat and gloves (because it’s still cold up here)!
Observer Footnote: Our Fiscal Year-End drive is coming to an end on April 30th, and we need your support. Please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount here. As a nonprofit, member supported institution, we need your help to continue our work! Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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