Summit Adventures

2009-04-14 23:23:21.000 – Bill & Sarah Young,  Summit Volunteers

Lighting the 231 Cake

Numbers were flying all over the summit. The 75th anniversary of the 231 mile per hour wind on 4/12 was an occasion for Observers Brian Clark, Mike Finnegan, and Intern Ali Boris to light up a cake. Volunteers Sarah and Bill Young were cheering for a new record this Easter 4/12/2009, but settled for zero degrees, zero visibility, and a peak 99 mph wind for the day. The egg and candy hunts were moved indoors. An amazing shift to no wind, blue sky, and 120 mile visibility permitted a glorious winter hike to Mount Jefferson. The Presidential range is amazing.


Bill & Sarah Young,  Summit Volunteers

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds By Maya Hartley Arriving at the summit of Mount Washington for the first time ever just a couple of months ago was a moment I will never

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