Sunrise and Lenticulars
2011-09-09 18:48:51.000 – Steve Welsh, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
The eastern horizon was a vivid red at 5:30 this morning, some 40 minutes or so before the sun actually rose. As the time advanced a few early birds were treated to a great display of reds, oranges and pinks. I tried to capture it with our camera but unfortunately nothing usable came of it. This one shot, was taken as the sun was crossing the horizon but by then most of the colors had already gone. The abundant high clouds in the photograph are from the outer reaches of hurricane Katia then moving to the northeast well off to our east.
This morning we were also treated to another good undercast, however, as the day progressed it slowly dissipated. The winds began to pick up this afternoon causing some interesting lenticular clouds to form all around us – see main picture. At the moment it’s looking like we’ll be seeing more sunrises and sunsets over the weekend – who said this was the world’s worst weather?
Steve Welsh, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
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