The Mount Washington Observatory is Hiring!
2013-07-08 16:00:22.000 – Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
This month there are two positions to apply for on the Rockpile. With the departure of our former IT Observer, a Weather Observer-Technology Specialist position needs to be filled. If you are interested in an opportunity to live and work at the ‘Home of the World’s Worst Weather’ and you have a passion for meteorology with a background in technology/computer science, this could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Please visit our Jobs page for a full description and application requirements. The application deadline is 5pm July 26th.
The second opportunity on the summit is for Fall Internships. Our unique internship program has room for two Interns this upcoming Fall. If you have a passion for weather, the environment, science, and the mountain, this could be a perfect fit. For more information, view our Internship page with details on how you can apply. The deadline to apply is Midnight on July 15th.
Rebecca Scholand, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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