The Return to the Summit

2008-01-10 10:17:16.000 – Mike Finnegan,  IT Observer


Life has lead me once again to the summit. I worked last winter as an intern, now returning to work as an IT Observer. Although I’ve only been gone 7 months, many changes have taken place. The server room has a solid UPS system in place, there are two new ceilometers on the observation deck, the summit is on grid power, and there are three observers per shift instead of two. Furthermore, you may recall from last year around this time that this shift seemed to lack any great amount of wind. In my 5 month stay as an intern, I never experienced winds over 100 MPH. Upon arriving at the summit yesterday for my first day as an observer, all this was to change. Winds picked up throughout the day, sustained in the 80’s gusting frequently over 100 MPH, topping out at 110 MPH. As winds increased, temperatures decreased and precipitation changed from rain to glaze ice to rime ice making deicing the tower a bit slick at times. I was not the only one excited about the weather as two folks from CBS Channel 3 out of Philly were up for the day, as well as it being winter intern Ryan’s first day.

Today is another significant day for me as I turned 25 at 4:10 this morning. I feel pretty good about it, especially considering I was born at such a young age (mid-April was my due date). Since then I’ve learned many things (breathing for instance) and continue to discover more up here on the summit. On the topic of birthdays, I have to wish Tessa (1/7) and Nich (1/9) happy birthdays, as well as Jefe and Maria, who share my birthday today.


Mike Finnegan,  IT Observer

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