Thermo-shack Fabrication
2010-07-27 20:49:51.000 – Rebecca Scholand, Summit Intern
Welding the base
June 15th I spoke about the “new” thermo-shack that I was restoring to replace the current one in use at the observatory. When I last spoke about the progress, Wayne Peterson, one of our snow tractor operators was going to be giving me a refresher on welding so a new housing could be made. Well with the refresher behind me I have been constructing the new one and I must say welding is awesome. I am a fan of power tools in general but this is so much more exciting. Hopefully within the next week the new housing and thermo-shack will be installed on the summit and I will have pictures of the finished product for another observer comment. Till then I am truly enjoying fabricating the new housing.
Rebecca Scholand, Summit Intern
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