Twintern Farewell
2007-08-08 12:41:27.000 – Twinterns (Cathy & Lynn), Summit Intern
Twinterns, revolutionizing fun!
Time flies by up here at the summit of Mt. Washington, especially when there are hurricane force winds involved. It seems like it was only yesterday that our summer at the Obs was just beginning, and now, it has come to a close. The entire week we have been reminded that this would be our last “everything” on the mountain for the summer, and we would exchange a glance of sorrow, followed by a simultaneous whimper.
So, now comes time for the final everything: the last comment that we will write and post on the website, the last dinner that we ate (Lynn, the champion, at SIX pieces of pizza), the finalization of our research project, our last sunset, and the final packing and scrounging up of our belongings from the place we have come to call home.
It certainly is bitter-sweet as we do all of these things for the last time, because although it is sad to leave, we have a plethora of good times to look back on; delicious dinners with plenty of laughter involved, great volunteers who endlessly gave their time and hard work (and occasionally grilled cheeses for those of which it is their favorite meal), and overall being a part of the small community that lives on top of this mountain.
Throughout the summer, we have watched some leave the Observatory, and we have also watched some come as new staff on the summit. This has made us all the more aware of the constant cycle that must occur, and so now we bow out gracefully to let two new interns take our spots on this shift. Hopefully they will have the amazing experience that we have been fortunate enough to have here on the mountain, and that they will grow to love this family as much as us.
Twinterns (Cathy & Lynn), Summit Intern
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