Unofficial Start of Summer

2008-05-26 16:51:43.000 – Brian Clark,  Observer

Lenticular Clouds at Sunrise

Today, Memorial Day, marks the unofficial start of summer for many people. Community swimming pools open back up for the first time since Labor Day, it’s acceptable to wear white again(if you even follow that fashion “rule” to begin with), and the minds of school children all over the country begin to focus more on summer vacation and less on school work. Well, I suppose these days that only applies for school children that actually have a summer vacation.

After a nearly week long streak of cold, snowy, and icy weather, it is feeling more like summer on the summit on this Memorial Day as well. Of course, it is all relative. Today temperatures climbed to nearly 50 degrees and thunderstorms are in the forecast. In yesterday’s comment, Steve talked about how we finally got to see some sunshine and temperatures in the 40’s. A big change from the upper 20’s, over half a foot of snow, and feet of rime ice that we saw through the course of the week last week.

Don’t forget that as summer unofficially begins today, Seek the Peak is coming up fast. Seek the Peak is our annual hike-a-thon to raise funds for our non-profit organization. The funds raised from this event are vital to keep the organization running and doing the things that we do, including running this website that thousands of people enjoy each day.

Take a look at for more information about the event. There are tons of great prizes up for grabs this year, including a one year lease to a 2009 Subaru Forester! Besides the prizes, participants gain admission to the awards party at the end of the day which features a turkey feast by Hart’s Turkey Farm and in general just get to have a great time with lots of good people. In fact, over 180 hikers are already registered with over $38,000 raised. We’re looking to raise $100,000 this year, so I encourage you to head on over the website, get registered, and start taking pledges today!


Brian Clark,  Observer

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