volunteer comment
2008-09-24 08:31:23.000 – Sarah and Bill Young, Summit Volunteers
Glory (Brocken spectre)
‘Baked (Alaska) Mount Washington’ was cooked up to celebrateSarah’s birthday and the final festive meal of our volunteershift on the rockpile. Like the dessert, life up here is cold and hot; the weather is delightfully chilly while the weather crew is wonderfully warm. We had ablast of wind (61 mph peak for the week) and a blast of fun.n
nWe hiked everyday, eventually circumambulating the summit cone.The opportunities to start at the top, to sometimes scout the routefrom the weather tower in advance, the excitement of hiking downthrough the clouds to dramatic autumn views of Pinkam Notch,and the challenge of hiking through blowing fog from cairn to cairnall made for a memorable week. n
nThe weather and museum crew openly share their knowledgeand enthusiam. Mike, the night weather observerwoke us up for several spectacular sunrises. ‘Good morningbeautifuls.’ The western view of a rainbow circled’Brocken Specter or Glory’ or the shadow of the mountain were special. Stacey, the meterologists cheerful invitations to come on up and check out the spectacular stars led to chilly summit community times learningabout the night sky on the deck. Deb, the Museum Director,provided lots of lichen lessons and shop-at-the-top MWObs opportunities. n
nThank you to all the crew, Steve, Mike, Stacey, Deb, Jeff, and Jordan,for welcoming us into your summit shift family. We hope to be back this winter.
Sarah and Bill Young, Summit Volunteers
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