volunteer comment

2008-09-10 06:28:13.000 – Priscilla and Harriet,  Summit Volunteers


Here are a few words from Priscilla and Harriet (Thelma and Louise) — volunteers who cooked at the MWOB this week. What a week it was and where do we start with the many firsts and experiences? Deb, museum attendant extraordinaire, filled us in on all of the important facts. The food, weather, rock scrambling and hiking and a really GREAT CREW made it the best of weeks. Steve and ‘the kids’ always popping in for second breakfast or lunch. Cookies and brownies disappeared fast.n

nWell, first the food — new recipes and old — three pizzas that rose beyond our expectations, turning into foccacia!Turkey Day on the Rock Pile, complete with pumpkin pie and how about all those leftovers the next night!Breads, soups, desserts — we did it all!!!!n

nWeather always changing — Mike’s wake up call at 5 a.m. to see the only sunrise of the week. Worth every bleary eyed moment of it. Thank you Mike. The crew, Stacey, Jeff and Jordan who always seemed to know when we should see a special weather event. High winds, clear blue skies and angry skies hanging over the Lakes of Clouds. It was always great to meet the AT hikers, get their trail names and then proudly tell them we were up here for a week cooking for the MWOB.n

nHiking and scrambling over the rock pile and looking over the Great Gulf, on our third day, a blue sky day, was awesome. Only way to get down from here is to scramble — found that out pretty quickly.n

nCelebrating our last day how much more exciting could it be then to be called by Stacy and told we can experience 64-81 MPH wind. Grabbing our weather gear, goggles camera and up we went to the parapet.Talk about a natural high!!!!!! Totally blown away.n

nWe’ll end tonight with Italian Night – Ciao Bella and Fred’s Wicked Yummy Garlic Cheese Bread. Thanks to all for the MWOB experience. Can’t wait for the Winter high!! Thank you all.


Priscilla and Harriet,  Summit Volunteers

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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