Volunteer Week on the Summit

2012-07-31 06:41:26.000 – Adam Scott,  Summit Volunteer


Being a middle school science teacher from Rhode Island, I have been waiting all year to spend a week on the highest peak in New England. Coming from a state that is basically at sea level (our highest point is a hill at 812 feet above sea level), I am continually amazed at the beauty, size and grandeur of this spectacular mountain range.

Spending time with this amazing summit crew is both a personal and professional privilege. With each passing day, I have had the pleasure of watching these dedicated individuals studying weather phenomenon on a peak that carries the slogan, ‘Home of the World’s Worst Weather’. Although we have not had any weather that can rival historical storms of the past, we have had a little bit of everything over the last few days. From wispy clouds to pea soup fog, drizzle turning to heavier rain, moderate gusty winds dropping to windless sunny days and to beautiful clear nights, I have had the opportunity to witness the ever changing weather conditions on the summit. Saturday evening even produced a beautiful light show as we could easily see fireworks from a distant NH town.

Witnessing the weather up here, first hand, is why I wanted to spend a week volunteering. I feel that I am able to share so much with my students of things that I experience, instead of things that we read about or see in a video. I will have the pleasure to telling them about this amazing summit crew and the important work that they do. An image on a radar screen may tell you that a storm is approaching; looking out the weather station windows to SEE the actual cloud wall approaching is something that I will never forget. The weather observers, summit interns and the museum director have all made me feel that I am part of the crew and have made my adjusted that much easier. I can never thank them enough. Well, in one way I can. Part of my job is to help prepare dinner for the entire crew. This is the one time of the day when we all sit together to share stories, banter back and forth, answer questions from inquisitive middle school science teachers and to simply enjoy each other’s’ company.

The summit of Mt Washington is a spectacular place to visit, study and live. I am honored to have had the opportunity to work here as a Summit Volunteer and I can only hope that I am fortunate enough to return, both in the summer and in the winter season.


Adam Scott,  Summit Volunteer

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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