Volunteering First Timers

2013-06-11 22:32:47.000 – John and Gina Rescigno,  Summit Volunteers

Hiking with Washington in the background.

Volunteering at the Observatory is a once in a live time experience that you must experience more than once. Starting out at the base parking lot you are met by the staff that you will be residing with over the week. The ride up Mt Washington was crystal clear with views well into the distance. The week was rewarding, interactive and fulfilling. The dedicated staff taught us about the weather, the importance of the Observatory and how their data is used in many aspects of everyday living. Planning the meals and cooking in a commercial style kitchen was exhilarating. The chores that were asked of us were set to our skill level. Personally, I had a lot of fun working with Roger in the tower cleaning out old wires, hanging conduit and placing wire supports in the concrete. My wife, Gina, was enjoying her time as well making cookies and banana muffins.

The staffs’ personality came out around the dinner table as we shared stories of our adventures, talents, and the insane ways we past time in our youth. Ryan’s comical sarcasm coupled with Becca’s free willed nature kept you at the edge of your chair, wondering, what would be said next. Then there was the notorious laugh of Kaitlyn, which would make us all crack up. Roger with his one liner, Anthony’s wit and Alex’s quiet nature and his quick comments created the perfect blend for a dinner party every night. Then of course there is Marty, the fun loving cat, but on his terms.

Being woken up at 2:30am by Ryan, getting dressed as fast as a fireman rushing to a fire, then out to the observation deck to see an Aurora Borealis was an amazing sight. But that was not all; there was the Milky Way, a shooting star and a sky so clear you could touch the stars. Our day hikes proved to be rewarding as we saw a plethora of plant life in the Alpine Garden and amazing views from the surrounding mountain peaks. The week also gave us the chance to see what Mt Washington has to offer, from rain to fog, high winds and of course a blue sky with a view miles away.

Thank you for having us!


John and Gina Rescigno,  Summit Volunteers

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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