Weather Cameras

Observation Deck

View From Observation Deck

A live streaming camera view of the Observation Deck, located at the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, on top of the Sherman Adams Building.

Tower Camera

A live streaming camera view of the surrounding regions from a 360 degree camera located at the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, on top of the Mount Washington Observatory weather tower.

View From Wildcat

A live streaming camera view of the eastern side of Mount Washington in New Hampshire.  This camera is located near the top of the ski lift at Wildcat Mountain, and is attached to a solar powered mesonet (weather) station. This camera shuts off after sunset to conserve power, the Youtube stream is started manually each morning.

North View

A wide angle camera located inside a north facing window at Mount Washington Observatory.  These windows are damaged from age and the elements and tend to ice over, limiting the view.

From Jackson

Another solar powered camera, located at our Jackson/Tyrol weather station at the summit of Tyrol Mountain, in Jackson New Hampshire. This Camera turns off at sunset and powers on at sunrise when there is sufficient power.

From Bretton Woods

A view of the western side of Mount Washington, from a camera located at the old ‘Lattitude 44’ located near the summit of Bretton Woods Ski area in New Hampshire

From Attitash

This weather camera is located on top of a tower at Attitash Ski Area in Bartlett, New Hampshire.  This camera is failing and may not be available.