What a day!
2009-10-27 20:48:20.000 – Brian Clark, Observer and Meteorologist
Ryan taking pictures at sunrise
I’m not going to say much in this comment. Not because I don’t have much to say, but because I’d much rather let the pictures and video I took today speak for themselves.
Sunrise this morning was nothing short of spectacular. The thumbnail picture attached to this comment is of the sunrise, and here are a few more:
Mike and Ryan enjoy the sunrise
As if having such a fantastic sunrise wasn’t enough, Mike and I were treated to some very interesting cloud formations later in the day. They were some type of wave cloud that moved toward the summit very quickly, and eventually engulfed us. Here are the two best pictures I took, but I have to tell you that none of the pictures I took really captured how incredible these clouds were.
Looking to the northeast as the clouds moved over the summit
I also made two time-lapse videos today that I posted to our YouTube channel:
Sunrise Cloud Movement Time-lapse
Wave Cloud Movement Time-lapse
Hope you enjoy the pictures and the video. I posted a bunch more pictures from today, as well as other pictures I took this week to my AccuWeather.com blog. Be sure to check those out too!
Brian Clark, Observer and Meteorologist
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