Winter Arrives

2006-09-30 16:53:21.000 – Bryan Farr,  Summit Intern

Winter here, fall down there

Even though we are only one week into autumn, winter has settled in for abrief stay on the summit. It is amazing how quickly one has to adjust fromwearing shorts and a t-shirt, to the triple layering of your clothes tojust be able to survive outside.

My five previous journeys to the summit could have been considered”abnormal” by many standards. Near record highs, wind speeds less than 25mph and 90 mile visibilities are what most people wish for when the reachthe observation deck, I suppose I had luck on my side. Finally, duringthe past 24 hours I can say I have been in my “personal best” worstweather. Attempting to take an observation in 60 mph winds with icepellets pummeling my face, fog freezing on contact and then laughing aboutit is a great reassurance that meteorology is my passion…( I continued todo this for several hours into the darkness). Awaking and walking throughthe landscape this morning is that of a true winter wonderland. A thickcoating of white is everywhere you look; it almost makes you think Santawill be arriving in a few days!

It had always been an ambition of mine to somehow be a part of Mt.Washington. Typing in MWN on the weather computer to get the latestobservation became a daily routine during my college days in the equallyhigh, but not as severe mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Readingaccounts of July snows and wind speeds most people evacuate for, made itmore of a location I wanted to experience. Opportunity finally brought meto the summit. I am looking forward to experiencing hurricane force winds,snowfall to depths I have never seen and just about any other phenomenathat this mountain peak has to offer.


Bryan Farr,  Summit Intern

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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