Winter Trip Opportunities

2012-12-01 18:29:41.000 – Steve Welsh,  Weather Observer/IT Specialist


Starting this month the Observatory has several overnight partner-led climbing trips for those adventurous folks who would like to hike to the summit of Mount Washington in winter conditions. These trips are a great way of meeting like-minded individuals as well as a way to learn winter mountaineering skills from very experienced instructors.

Next month the Observatory begins it’s Winter Day Trips and overnight Winter EduTrips.

Day trips are a perfect way to experience the mountain in winter, see it’s amazing weather first hand and to take a ride in our snowcat. EduTrips are a two day excursion that offer similar experiences to the day trips but also include an overnight stay with the crew. Each EduTrip also offers a different educational theme and is lead by a specialist in the given field. If anyone reading this is looking for something a little different to do this winter, or perhaps for a unique holiday gift, then maybe a trip to the top of Mount Washington would fit the bill?

Please click on the following link if you want to see a full list of these special winter Observatory events.

Observer footnote: Our year-end fund drive is taking place through December 31, and we need your support. Please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount here. As a nonprofit, people-powered institution since our founding in 1932, we need your help to continue our work! Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Steve Welsh,  Weather Observer/IT Specialist

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

January 10th, 2025|Comments Off on In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington By Marin MacDonald Hey MWOBS community, my name is Marin MacDonald (she/her), and I am the Mount Washington Observatory/Mount Washington Avalanche Center intern this winter! Growing

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