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Mount Washington Observatory2025-01-06T10:40:52-05:00
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SnowSafe Summit

February 15 - February 16

Brad Washburn 06

We really appreciate all who are excited about our work and want to support what we do. The only official online places to purchase Mount Washington Observatory merchandise are at our online stores.

1102, 2025

The 2025 Gulf Coast Blizzard: History, Science, and Perspectives from a Floridian Turned New Englander By Alex Branton As a Florida

Since Our Founding In 1932, Education Has Been Integral To Our Mission.

Science in the Mountains

Our monthly virtual lecture series features experts on weather and climate topics.

Extreme Mount Washington Museum

Extreme Mount Washington delivers the science and excitement of a Mount Washington experience.

Gladys Brooks Memorial Library

Gladys Brooks Memorial Library features a large collection of materials related to the White Mountains, the Arctic, and the Antarctic.

Featured Impact Story

Celebrating Volunteer Community Builders: The Zlogars

Celebrating Volunteer Community Builders: The Zlogars  By Wendy Almeida For the past 20 years, Mike and Sue Zlogar have dedicated countless volunteer hours to Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS). Their contributions, from repair projects to cooking family-style meals, have touched every corner of summit life. Their love for the Observatory and the people they've met along the way lies at the heart of everything they do. For the last decade, they've also delivered a special gift each year -- the annual summit Christmas tree -- bringing holiday spirit to staff during the season.  Mike (left) and Sue on

January 9th, 2025|Tags: , , , , |

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Where Weather Meets Wonder

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With your support, we will continue discovering insights about our atmosphere, inspiring the next generation of scientists, and improving weather safety.

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As a private, nonprofit institution, partnerships with universities, educational institutions, nonprofits, and corporations help to drive our mission. We proudly align with respected organizations to achieve shared goals in education, research, marketing, diversity, and workforce training and business development.

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