A Busy Week

2011-02-19 22:26:35.000 – Mike Finnegan,  IT Observer


It has been an extremely busy week here on the summit and it is only Saturday. For one, we have been down an observer all week as Ryan was on vacation for the first half of the week and was lucky enough to attend Stacey’s birthday party. On top of that, Brian has been sick, but has been rocking nights all the same, working from 7PM to 7AM, and myself working the other twelve hours. He has now left the summit to do some work in the valley and hopefully start feeling better, while Ryan has returned to the summit. Thursday we had an Edu-Trip lead by our good friend, Chef John. The food was amazing and it was interesting to see so many people working together and around each other in one kitchen. They departed as Ed, who happens often to be John’s partner in crime during volunteer weeks, came up with a few of his friends to redeem his ‘Key’s to the Castle’ trip he won through Seek the Peak. Tonight we were supposed to have a climbing trip overnight, but they were turned around due to the weather, with sub-zero temperatures, hurricane force winds, and whiteout conditions. We are looking to have another hiking trip tomorrow night, whose hiking weather conditions should be a bit more favorable. We’ll round the week out with Day Trips on both Monday and Tuesday by which time I’m pretty sure we’ll all be just about ready to head down to the valley on Wednesday for shift change. It is great to meet so many new faces, but if we look a bit tuckered, please understand why. For now, it is time for bed. My pillow misses me.


Mike Finnegan,  IT Observer

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