A Different Week
2008-04-14 16:06:57.000 – Brian Clark, Observer
Everything Is White Again
This week has been very different for me. Since Ryan is on vacation until May 7th, that leaves just Steve and myself to cover the observational duties. Now I wouldn’t exactly say that we are short staffed, considering that just a year ago two observers per shift was the norm. However, it certainly has allowed much less time for me to work on other projects and tasks that I have on my to-do list. Also, since Ryan is our usual night observer that means that either me or Steve has to cover the night shift. I had never done the night shift before and decided to give it a go this week.
The night shift, as one would probably expect, is much different from the day shift. The observations are much different and at times more difficult to do because of the lack of daylight. It is also a very quiet shift; the phone seldom rings and the only person that really hangs out with me in the Weather Room isn’t a person at all, it’s Marty the cat. It has been a really nice change from what I have gotten used to since becoming a full-time observer last June, but at the same time I will be glad when Ryan gets back and I have more time to work on the various things I need to get done around here.
Brian Clark, Observer
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