A Great Start to the Summer

2016-05-28 17:21:07.000 – Chris Hohman, Summit Intern


Hello everyone, my name is Christopher Hohman and this has been my first week on top of the windy summit. I’m going into my sophomore year at Plymouth State University and, I am currently working on my B.S. in Atmospheric Science. I heard about the Mt Washington internship through my professor Dr. Eric Kelsey and immediately applied. As a kid I’ve always been fascinated by not only the effects mountains have on weather, but specifically Mt Washington’s. I toured the facility with my Boy Scout troop when I first climbed the mountain, and immediately fell in love. It’s been my dream to work here as soon as I was able to, so ever since I was accepted it’s been like living a dream.


             Meteorology has always been the largest passion in my life. When I was young my mother used to joke with me saying, “All you ever watch on TV is the weather channel.” she was completely right. Even in elementary school all the questions I’d ever really want answered were ones on how the atmosphere worked. High school gave me some opportunities, but they were nothing compared to the experiences I’ve had at Plymouth. I’m extremely passionate about what I do there, so the chance to be here and learn even more means the world to me.
              The days so far have been long and busy, but they have been a lot of fun. I have already been taught a ton of fascinating and important meteorological information here. I’ve spent the past year in college learning all about the basics of meteorology, and multiple effects the mountains have, so it’s been a dream come true to finally apply that knowledge and further the field any way I can. When I was in class I was taught the affects mountains would have on cloud formation or winds, but it’s completely different to actually see it in person. Atmospheric forces my classes simply didn’t have time to go over in detail, I now see daily. Seeing storms actually out in the distance and form, instead of on a radar map is also quite fascinating. Again my classes taught me these processes, but there is just this solidifying moment of knowledge when you actually see it for the first time. I’m hoping for as many of those moments I can get up here
               I can’t wait for more adventures and learning opportunities up here, I’ll keep you all updated on what I learn next! For now though, here’s a picture of my first sunset on the mountain:




Chris Hohman, Summit Intern

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

August 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley By Francis Tarasiewicz On the afternoon of August 18th, a roughly 31-mile swath of the Naugatuck River Valley in southwestern Connecticut experienced a generational rainfall event. Over a

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