A Wonderful Undercast

2011-09-08 22:57:52.000 – Erin Diveny,  Summit Museum Supervisor


Well today was a nice day much to our surprise here at the summit! Normally we hear visitors complain about the clouds at the summit-yet today we heard that it was foggy on the drive up and then cleared as they got to the summit which is a rarity. Due to the fact that the weather was rainy and overcast in the valley the summit was extremely quiet. When I went outside during my lunch break I found it so odd how quiet it was yet it was perfect weather and rather warm for the summit.

Kevin the Intern and I took the opportunity of this gorgeous weather to go out and take pictures around the summit. The undercast looked almost like a blanket of snow across the mountains. Out in the distance we should see Camels Hump poking out of the clouds as you can see in the picture above.

This weekend is looking like its going to be nice so get in the car and head on up and visit!


Erin Diveny,  Summit Museum Supervisor

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

January 10th, 2025|Comments Off on In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington By Marin MacDonald Hey MWOBS community, my name is Marin MacDonald (she/her), and I am the Mount Washington Observatory/Mount Washington Avalanche Center intern this winter! Growing

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