A wonderful week!

2009-09-29 16:56:35.000 – Barbara Kresse,  Summit Volunteer

Hi, my name is Barbara Kresse, I’ve been the OBS volunteer for the week and can’t believe it is almost over. I spend lots of time cooking with the big old gas stove, from the well stocked larder, but there is time to have fun and explore outside. It is so awesome here, you have to see it in person (when it’s clear). One day we could see 135 miles to the Adirondacks, but other days just 25 feet was visible. It rained, and we had a high of 74 mph winds, a real variety of conditions. One morning we woke to see rime ice, just spectacular. There wasn’t much of a view with the telescope in this picture. Look how the grass, signs and buildings get coated with ice. These fellows from the Cog Railway were repairing the tracks along the Gulfside Trail. The rail maintenance is done all season long. Many days you can hear the train come up, but can’t see it. This was a clear, crisp day. The colors are starting down below in the valley but we are so high up, it is just a blur of orange, browns and yellows. I hiked some of the Tuckerman’s Ravine Trailone day. Just look at all the people. There was almost a traffic jam at times. These flowers are blooming today, at this time of year! This is my third time up here as a summer volunteer, and I am already looking forward to next year. It is addictive. You know, when the tourists come up on the Cog or the Stage Line, or even by car, they get to spend such a short time, a couple of hours or less. I feel so sorry for them. I get to stay here for the week. The OBS crew highly recommends that I experience a week in the winter, so that is the plan.


Barbara Kresse,  Summit Volunteer

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

January 10th, 2025|Comments Off on In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington By Marin MacDonald Hey MWOBS community, my name is Marin MacDonald (she/her), and I am the Mount Washington Observatory/Mount Washington Avalanche Center intern this winter! Growing

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