An Unforgettable Experience
2016-01-19 17:10:22.000 – Sam Webber, Summit Intern
Finally back for the second week of my internship here at the summit observatory, and what an incredible way to start the week off! With forecasts predicting sustained wind speeds of 100 mph and gusts well over that, I think it’s safe to say that I’m finally starting to see some of the conditions I have been waiting for! Nothing really gets your blood pumping quite like walking out onto the observatory deck and experiencing some of the most intense weather in the world. However, it was unusually calm and clear up here for my first week which allowed some incredible views of sunrise and sunset, and I can honestly say that they were some of the most beautiful things I’ve seen.
I’ve always loved coming up here during the summer months and hiking the ravines with some friends and walking around the summit, which is almost always crowded with other hikers and tourists who drive up the auto road or ride the Cog. But to come up here during the middle of winter is another experience all on its own. It’s almost surreal to see this place so barren and quiet when you’ve experienced it in the complete opposite setting.
Sadly, this will be my last week here but I’m unbelievably excited to experience some brutal winds and bitter cold over the next couple days! Hopefully I’ll be able to return in the near future to gain some more field experience and witness even more extreme weather.
Sam Webber, Summit Intern
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