Awesome Planet

2014-07-11 16:55:19.000 – Mike Carmon,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Filming on the Tower

I’ve had the pleasure of being a weather observer on Mount Washington for about five and a half years to this point, but I’ve only had the distinction of Education Specialist for 6 months. This has served to keep me on my toes, opening my job up to a whole host of new experiences!

One of those experiences has been serving as one of MWO’s summit ambassadors to the media, along with my counterpart education specialist on the other shift, Kaitlyn O’Brien.

Yesterday, we were visited by a crew filming for an upcoming STEM based educational series, Awesome Planet, which will be airing on Fox broadcast stations across the country starting in the fall. They were filming for an episode entitled Extreme Weather, which makes the summit of Mount Washington a perfect location to capture!

The summit weather did not disappoint, as temperatures yesterday were hovering in the lower 40s, with winds averaging 40-50 mph, and plenty of fog! I was able to bring the crew to the top of our tower, through our office space, and to various points outdoors around the summit to explain the operations and complexities that go into observing weather in such a location as Mount Washington.

It is truly special to be able to express the uniqueness and ferocity of weather observation atop the rockpile, and we are very much looking forward to seeing how this segment on Awesome Planet comes out!


Mike Carmon,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

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