Back From Vacation
2008-08-29 15:42:39.000 – Brian Clark, Observer
Wednesday was my first day back on the mountain since August 6th. During that three week time period, I was on my first vacation since starting full-time with the Observatory back in early June 2007. I ended up going back to the slightly less mountainous state of Pennsylvania and more specifically, my hometown of State College, PA.n
nNaturally, people have been asking me how my vacation was. I always answer that it was very good, but I go on to explain exactly how I know it was a very good vacation. It’s actually quite simple: I was ready to come back to the mountain and get back to work. I know a lot of people, not necessarily from the Observatory, that come back from a vacation and dread going back to their place of work. Now don’t get me wrong, I could stay on vacation for a long time and be happy, but that’s not reality. n
nPennsylvania and State College are places that I love, but I missed the cool mountain air and the North Country in general. It didn’t make it any easier that I missed out on some wintry weather on the summit while I was on vacation; anyone that knows me knows that I absolutely love winter weather.n
nAlthough I did not get any of the winter-like weather upon my return Wednesday, I was greeted by a beautiful clear day with visibility up to 130 miles for a time. Thankfully that’s a very different state than I left the mountain in on the 6th.n
nAll in all, it’s definitely good to be back.
Brian Clark, Observer
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