Back into the Fog
2012-12-08 22:14:38.000 – Roger Pushor, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
After a couple of near perfect days here on the Summit with clear skies, low winds and moderate temperatures for this time of year, we moved back into the fog early this morning. Today also saw a few hikers coming to the Summit to take advantage of the conditions before winter is upon us again in full force.
Inside the Observatory, the Christmas Tree is setup in the Living room with decorations being added. Under the tree, a couple of gifts can be seen. There’s also a wreath hung in the North window of the office area.
Even though it’s the weekend, the work goes on as usual. For our shift, this is ‘hump’ day (the nickname given for middle of a work week). Along with the Observations that we do each hour, we all have other Observatory related tasks to complete. Becca was working on an Obscast and I spent the day working on a project in the tower. As this is Intern Steve’s last shift with us, he’s been making notes for our next winter Intern that will pick up his work of validating our 80 plus years of B-16 data. As for Marty, he just hangs around making sure everyone knows how important he is to the Observatory and going next door to State Park to get treats.
Roger Pushor, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
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