Clean Up!

2012-12-04 17:09:13.000 – Brian Fitzgerald,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist


It’s Tuesday here on the summit, our seventh day and last day of our shift before shift change takes place tomorrow. As is customary on Tuesday, today is our big clean-up day and the day for prepping for the other shift to take over the reigns. Typically we have members who come up and volunteer with us for the week and often aid us in welcoming guests, cooking, and you guessed it- cleaning, especially on Tuesday. In order to run a manned-mountain-top weather station that is operating 24/7 we need to be constantly maintaining instruments and keeping our facility neat and tidy (especially since it’s not exactly cost-effective to hire a maid service to hike up and down). Just like at home it’s necessary for us to dust, mop the floors, vacuum, windex, clean bathrooms, take care of laundry, etc, etc (let’s not forget making a grocery list either!).

Fortunately and unfortunately things quiet down during the month of November once the Auto Road has closed and there are no visitors to the Observatory for Winter EduTrips or Weather Station Tours, so we take a break from having summit volunteers as well. Cleaning and maintaining the place where you work for twelve hours a day is a little daunting in this facility I must admit, and on a day like today once all the chores have been finished I’ve found an even greater appreciation for our summit volunteers (and sure miss the company as well!). If you have any interest in becoming a volunteer if you’re already a member, or would like to become a member and volunteer for a week with us, follow the links!

Observer footnote: Our year-end fund drive is taking place through December 31, and we need your support. Please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount here. As a nonprofit, people-powered institution since our founding in 1932, we need your help to continue our work! Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Brian Fitzgerald,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

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