Fall Bug

2008-09-18 10:26:37.000 – Stacey Kawecki,  Observer

The only cure for the Fall Bug

Spring Fever is a feeling of restlessness, yearning, or even laziness believed to be brought on by the coming of spring, as per the MSN Encarta free online dictionary.n

nWell, I’ve got another one, the Fall Bug. The Fall Bug manifests itself as intense cravings for apples, cider, and pumpkin flavored baked goods and ales, at least for me. The way my breath hangs in the air during the early morning makes me giddy and the contemplation of Halloween costumes gets me floored. Some of my favorite memories from my childhood occurred on All Hallows Eve (Halloween). The distinct sound of leaves rustling underneath our feet as we went from door to door yelling with gusto that phrase: Trick or Treat! It comes back to me, every year. We always stayed up way too late watching scary movies and eating way too much candy. Then there’s Thanksgiving. The Feast! The Football! The Family! Usually by then, the leaves have all fallen from the trees in preparation of winter and walking through leaves tends to squish more than rustle. It’s the first or second round of midterms and papers, all due right before Thanksgiving. The turkey was always my most treasured part of the feast. Not to say anything against the Observatory, because I do love turkey, but having turkey once a work week takes away the novelty of a Thanksgiving Turkey. I might have to have a Thanksgiving Lamb or Lobster instead this year (for which I will be in Hawaii!).n

nFall on the summit is a dangerous time. Valley temperatures are usually quite pleasant, with a light breeze that makes the leaves dance along the streets. Summit temperatures are usually around the freezing mark and that light breeze turns into a fierce wind of 50-60 mph. However, it is a beautiful time. Going into my second fall at the Observatory, I know a little bit about what to expect. My nose will not smell the crispness of burning leaves from the summit, but my eyes will be treated to rolling mountains, aflame with color, contrasting with the deep blue of the fall sky.


Stacey Kawecki,  Observer

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