Fall Colors

2008-10-11 17:16:56.000 – Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

Fall Colors in Mt Washington Valley

Today has been an unusual Saturday for me. When I’m on shift Saturday is the half way point through the Observatory work week, which typically runs from Wednesday to Wednesday. When I’m off shift Saturday is a day to catch up with house work and spend time with my family. Today I started off at home but ended up on the summit. The reason for this odd situation is that I’m standing in for Brian, who’s giving a presentation, on our 1934 record breaking wind event, at the National Weather Association’s annual meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.

The commute to work this morning was really enjoyable. I left in the dark but soon saw the spectacular fall colors as the sun rose in the east. The drive up the auto road was also impressive with the autumn colors near the base giving way to spectacular views over the surrounding peaks and valleys. The ocean was also really prominent this morning as it reflected the early morning sun light.

Today has been really busy on the summit with good numbers of hikers and lots of visitors arriving via the auto road and cog. Everyone was certainly treated to fine views of distant peaks and of the fall colors in the surrounding valleys. The winds were pushing 50 mph for most of the day and with temperatures hovering around freezing point many visitors seemed to be just a little bit chilled. So if you’re planning on coming up in the next few days please make sure and bundle up nice and warm.


Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

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