Finally Some Cold Weather for This Shift!

2007-11-02 08:17:52.000 – Kyle Paddleford,  Observer


Due to construction that is out of our hands, the Presidentials camera will be out of commission for a few days.

As I got up to start my shift early yesterday, Zach was coming off a long night and the last words that he muttered to me in a sleepy voice were words of wisdom pertaining to the senses. Just like animals use their sense of smell to hunt for food or to be alerted of possible danger, Zach used his sense of smell to alert me of incoming weather. He said to me, “Kyle, it smells like winter and it smells like it is going to snow.” I went outside to do an observation and sure enough, the air did have that crisp smell that usually precludes some form of wintry precipitation. I know that some of you know what I am talking about.

The forecast did call for some mixed precipitation, so I patiently awaited the arrival of the cold front. First, glaze ice started to form on all surfaces, and then ice pellets began to fall. Ice pellets changed over to snow and glaze ice transitioned over to rime. We only picked up a little over a half inch of snow, but that was enough to get me excited. The reason, well, my last shift was very warm. Two daily record highs were equaled, and one was broken. The other shift had been getting all of the cold weather, rime, and snow. I must say I was a bit jealous. I had been living through the various webcams on my off weeks to get my winter weather fix.

Early this morning, skies cleared and Stacey and I were greeted with a great sunrise. We took this opportunity to get out and survey the white landscape. There is still quite a contrast , as their usually is, between the valleys and the higher summits of the Presidentials.

All eyes are now on Hurricane Noel as it moves up the East Coast. Forecast models have been trending slightly more west with the track of the storm although it still remains too far out to sea at this point to result in a blockbuster storm for the higher summits. The National Hurricane Center has some good information and maps regarding Hurricane Noel. More details will come together as the storm approaches so it will be a wait and see situation at this point.


Kyle Paddleford,  Observer

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