High Altitude Fitness
2019-06-28 14:38:11.000 – John King, Summit Intern
Work and bedtime may be the most common time spent at the Observatory in addition to some observation and synoptic times etc., but what about health time? In other words, how do we stay active?
As a part of being on the highest peak in the Northeast surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest, there are a number of short hikes to do while staying on the summit. To name a few: Lake of the Clouds, Clay Col, and the Alpine Garden. These hikes, among others are just outside out front door provide a great opportunity to get a breath of fresh air and even snap a few photos.
More close to our station is the Auto Road stairs. These wooden stairs are great replacement for a stair stepper. For those looking for a goal to hit, 17 trips to the top is roughly 1 mile. Just be mindful of the wind has you get to the last couple of groups of stairs!
If the weather does not allow for an outdoor activity, there is always some equipment here in the office. Within the building, there is a stationary bike that will satisfy your cardio needs as you look out into what is more likely than not a foggy day. In addition to some cardio, there are adjustable dumbbells for weight training in addition to a pull-up bar.
Although we may be on top of a mountain recording a vast amount of data, there are plenty of opportunities to be active while on shift for the week. If all other activities are not enough, there is always WIND sprints on the observation deck!
John King, Summit Intern
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