Hiking & Working on Mount Washington
2012-07-02 17:23:39.000 – Samantha Brady, Summit Museum Supervisor
As an avid hiker I love to get to the top of every mountain I hike. No matter how longthe distance no matter how hard the hike I always seem to push myself to the next level.However, I am always smart enough to never let my ego get the best of me. As a hikerthis can be one of the most difficult things to have control of while hiking in the WhiteMountains and especially on Mount Washington.
Living on top of Mount Washington for eight days at a time while I work I come acrosslots of hikers. These hikers range from first time hikers, extreme hikers, through hikers,and young hikers. All of which share one thing in mind, getting to the top. We all seekthat feeling of accomplishment and once it’s been met it is very easy to forget howquickly things can turn bad.
Since starting work up here I have witnessed all four seasons in just two months. I’vewitnessed severe thunderstorms, 100mph winds, snow in June, thick fog, and very coldtemperatures for this time of year. With that being said, I have witnessed many hikersin the beginning stages of hypothermia, exhaustion, some soaked in cotton clothes, andsome of whom had no clue what trail they had hiked up on or were heading back downon.
It may feel like summer to you down in the valley but when it comes to the mountainsmake sure to always hike safe. You should try and never let your ego get the bestof you. You can always check the weather for Mount Washington at our website atwww.mountwashington.org. Make sure to have a plan, leave your plan with someonewho will not be hiking with you, and make sure you always have the proper gear, food,and water. We may be open to the public in the summer, but you should always have asecond plan just in case the Sherman Adams building is not open to the public. Hiking caneither be the best experience of your life or the worst.
If the weather is beautiful and you make it to the summit of Mount Washington on yournext trek up, there is plenty to check out up here. We have a great Museum and also givetours of the Observatory at the top of every hour for all members!
Samantha Brady, Summit Museum Supervisor
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