In the fog with high winds? You don

2006-07-02 13:05:52.000 – Walter Sessions,  Summit Intern

The Human Kite

Have you ever had a cup of water so excited to be drank that it jumped out of the glass? Well I have. Yesterday, as I was enjoying the 70 mph gusts up on the tower, I learned a valuable lesson about wind vectors. As I brought a cup of water to my mouth, air shot off my face and into the cup, making the water so energetic that it decided to blow into my nose. If you want to try this at home, put your home in a car and have a passenger drink out the window.*

The summit was pretty crowded yesterday with hordes hoping to enjoy a nice July 4th weekend. The weather delivered briefly in the early parts of the day, then went back to our beloved fog by the time I was off shift and headed down to the Lakes of the Clouds hut. Poor Neil Lareau is working nights this week and was only able to join me for about 15 minutes of my trip. He took the lead while out and I can’t understand how he didn’t slip with the way he skipped across the rocks.

Today we expect winds to be worse and it’s already true; so far we’ve reached 80 mph. During my morning hike, everytime I stopped the gusts would slide my whole body eastward. Thunderstorms and showers are expected throughout most of today. A cold front being dragged north east by the low pressure in Quebec should hit us sometime tonight, bringing even more opportunity for cloud formation and showers.

Other than that, I’m just hoping the summit clears for a bit of a firework show on Tuesday night.

*Our “Summit Legal Team”** says this isn’t actually recommended, as a home will wreck your suspension.

**Magic Eight Ball


Walter Sessions,  Summit Intern

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