Dear Member,
Welcome to 2023! Here at the Observatory we’re excited to start the New Year on the right foot thanks to you. With your support, we exceeded our Year-End Campaign fundraising goal for 2022. I am humbled by all that you do to ensure our sustainability for the next 90 years.
In these early snowy days of the New Year, we are also celebrating two wonderful bits of news. First, our staff and partners had a strong showing at this year’s Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (read more below). Second, an enormous thank you must be given to the Northern Community Investment Corporation and New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund for their support of our work to launch a new, more user-friendly website.
Read on in this edition for Ryan Knapp’s “2022 By the Numbers,” a story about a young homeschooler inspired by our programs, and our new peer-reviewed overview of the Mount Washington Regional Mesonet that will be published by the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH).
As we look to the New Year, we’ll be working to strengthen partnerships that help us fulfill our mission. This week, we launched a new program that better serves our corporate sponsors. Contact me anytime if you would like to learn more.
From atop the Rockpile, we are wishing you a wonderful start to 2023.