Last Summer Hurrah
2011-10-08 16:36:54.000 – Mike Carmon, Weather Observer/Meteorologist
It’s hard to believe that in a matter of weeks, the road will be closed, the Sherman Adams building will be sealed up, and the final preparations for the winter season will be implemented.
It’s particularly difficult to believe it today, due to the scores of visitors that have made their way to the summit. Cog-ers, Auto Road-ers, and hikers alike have all descended upon us on this beautiful (albeit breezy) early-October Saturday.
The same way Labor Day is thought of as the unofficial end to the summer season for most folks, Columbus Day is typically the unofficial end to our tourist season. After weeks of a lull in activity due to schools back in session and popular vacation time coming to an end, we almost always see increased hubbub during this weekend. It is one last surge of the summer experience before the cold, icy, and bleak days of winter descend upon us.
The weather scenario for the weekend has certainly drawn visitors to the summit with the potency of the Siren’s song, with temperatures breaking into the 50s and blue skies that seem to stretch eternally across the horizon. It is a situation more typical of July or August.
Winter will find us, however, as temperatures inevitably resume their downswing following this procrastinated summer blast, and the bright and glorious skies and colors succumb to the taciturn whites and grays of the winter season.
How forthcoming is this winter turn? The month of October (over a 30 year period) averages 13.8 inches of snowfall. As of today, October 8th, the summit has received a scant 0.3 inches.
For now, we wait for the onset of imminent bountiful snows with an equal sense of anticipation and trepidation.
Mike Carmon, Weather Observer/Meteorologist
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